New renewable energy sources are the key
to the solid sustainable development of the process industry of the future.
New forms of energy, from renewables to hydrogen, from CO2 for cooling to geothermal energy, however, require equally new technologies for their management, where traditional temperature control solutions prove insufficient to meet the requirements of emerging green applications.
The latest generations of plate heat exchangers, such as printed circuit PCHE exchangers, were created to meet these needs, designed and built with innovative technologies and processes enabling them to work in the extreme and challenging pressure and temperature conditions that characterize temperature control and regulation tasks in new green applications.
Using renewable energy and heat pumps technology, TCOIL IMMERSION HEAT EXCHANGERS find a wide and ideal scope of application. Tempco’s TCOIL immersion heat exchangers are a type of plate heat exchanger that stands out for its high flexibility and thermal transfer efficiency.
TCOIL EXCHANGERS are made thanks to the union of two metal plates which are welded together at the edges and on the surface of the plates using spot dimple welding, and then swollen under pressure. In this way, an internal chamber is obtained where the fluid to be cooled flows, allowing the exchanger to be immersed, for example, in sea water, lake water or canals, exploiting geothermal energy available within the environment.
The growing availability of energy from renewable sources makes increasingly concretely sustainable the trend towards electrification of heating and thermoregulation systems in the process industry.
The use of electric heating systems, in a market where electricity comes from renewable sources, becomes not only ecologically responsible but also economically advantageous. It is therefore possible to implement a further step in the direction of sustainability and efficiency thanks to the use of inverters and thyristors, which allow the speed of electric motors to be regulated, adapting energy consumption in real time to the actual needs of the production plants. An approach that allows the adoption of system design criteria upstream with lower power, more modular and lower cost installations.
Predictive maintenance and monitoring of operational conditions and process parameters enabled by sensors in thermoregulation systems, associated with digitalisation and the widespread of IoT devices, complete the picture of the new green and responsible approach to temperature control in the process industry.
The real-time collection of process data, enabled by the iTempco platform, allows constant control of energy consumption in the different phases of the production process, allowing to increase the overall efficiency of the systems thanks to optimizations identified with data analysis using algorithms of artificial intelligence (AI). Remote maintenance, also in a predictive approach thanks to AI, ultimately maximizes machines availability, optimizing their lifespan thanks to targeted and timely maintenance interventions that prevent breakdowns and costly plant downtimes, prolonging the useful life of the machines and accelerating the return on investments thanks to greater efficiency.
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